1 Jul 2024 | Blog, Burn out, Clear-Clarity Counselling Services, Counselling, Counselling Home-Visits, Depression, Gillingham, Kent, Linda Thompson, Medway Counselling, Mental health, Self Care, Talking therapy, Trauma
Why we sometimes need to slow down and pause life Burnout can hit us when we least expect it. Sometimes we need to pause so that we can move forward. The world we live in is forever busy, “I need to get this done, that done, the otherdone”. The toll this can take on...
1 May 2024 | Anxiety, Blog, Counselling Home-Visits, Divorce Support, Domestic Abuse, Gillingham, Linda Thompson, Low Mood, Low Self-Esteem, Medway Counselling, Self Care, Talking therapy
Are men and women so different? There are many differences and similarities to men and women when it comes down to mental health challenges. I wanted to outline some of them here, to help you in your journey. Anxiety disorders Women are more likely to...
1 Aug 2023 | Blog, Clear-Clarity Counselling Services, Confidence, Counselling, Counselling Home-Visits, Medway Counselling, Self Care, Talking therapy
What is Self-reflection? It is a process that involves looking at our thoughts, feelings, actions, and motivation. Its a way to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. It’s a skill that can help us to develop and contribute to our personal growth. By reflecting...