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Why we sometimes need to slow down and pause life
Burnout can hit us when we least expect it. Sometimes we need to pause so that we can move forward.
The world we live in is forever busy, “I need to get this done, that done, the other
done”. The toll this can take on our physical and mental health can
literally be exhausting and we subsequently burn out.
Whether it’s through work commitments, family life, financial reasons,
ill health or anything else. If the quality of your life has taken a U-turn it’s
time to stop and evaluate the reason. Often, you already have the answer
but still we continue to push ourselves to that brink of exhaustion.
Let’s just pause for a while and give ourselves some much deserved TLC.
When you need more time, stop! Even if it’s just for a while, and consider if it’s
working to be rushing? Is it being productive and, is it getting things
done in the best possible way for your health? Will you burnout?

Take your foot off the accelerator
Think about it, maybe it’s time to slow down. You’ll thank yourself for slowing
down and taking that much needed break. Below are a few reasons why
it’s so important to find that balance in life and in our busy schedules.
Our behaviour when we are running almost on empty can become self-
We might begin drinking more to cope with stress. We might become increasingly irritable and agitated, or we might turn to other self-soothing negative behaviours.
Mental health and burnout
Not finding the time to pause can lead to increasingly high levels of
anxiety, stress and depression. Our mental health can spiral, and we can
end up not being able to see the ‘wood for the trees’.
When we are going too fast, we make mistakes, this will create more
problems and will affect our mental health for far longer.
This can lead to low self-esteem and not feeling that we are ‘good enough’. The impact
of this on our already fragile self can stop us from being able to move
forward in a more productive and empathic way.

The conscious choice to slow down
When you need to make an important decision in life, pause and make a
conscious choice.
Think about how by not pausing and taking a break, it’s affecting your physical health, think about what this is doing to your mind, body and soul.
Does it feel better do you think to just take a pause rather than letting life’s busy schedule make it for you?
I recently read a quote online:
“If you don’t take a break, your body might take one for you – and it won’t necessarily be at a convenient time.” – Anonymous
We can only push ourselves so far. So, if you don’t take a break, life will
find a way to make you take one.
Let’s give ourselves that much needed self-compassion by stopping for a
while and tending to our own needs, so that we are better able to offer
compassion to others. We can prevent burnout from happening.
So, when you find yourself constantly on the go, take a moment to just
pause, and remember, we all need a break sometimes.

About the Author
My name is Linda Thompson, I am a qualified and insured counsellor working in Gillingham and Medway, Kent. I support individuals and couples with all kinds of issues, from bereavement to anxiety, relationship difficulties, trauma, abuse and coping with the general stressors of life. Please get in touch to book a session with me. Join me on Facebook.