Online support from Clear-Clarity Counselling Services in Gillingham Kent
Some days it can feel hard to just ‘get on with things’ so much can get in the way of feeling OK.
I struggle with this sometimes, especially if I have a lot on my mind, if I’m too busy, or if I have that awful night’s sleep of tossing and turning!
You know the feeling – that fuzzy head, which feels like your head is blurred around the edges.
That fuzzy head feeling
I have started making sure I go to bed by 10.30pm and developing a routine to at least relax in bed listening to something soothing, or a book or podcast on Audible. The majority of the time it works, and I fall asleep within the hour, which is good for me as it used to be at least 2 hours!
I know that these measures are nothing new and that many people practice all kinds of mindfulness from meditating through to whatever they feel is relaxing for them, but for me, this works. I try my hardest to stick with my bedtime routine, but I will be honest and say I do occasionally falter, well, I am only human!

Another thing I have just started to do is; drink a cup of hot water with a squeeze of lime first thing in the morning when I wake up. I read this somewhere once, unsure where but it is helping.
Somehow it makes me feel less sluggish, must be those digestive juices that come into play? Whatever it is, it works! The only thing I need to remember is to make sure I buy enough of these limes when I do my shopping!
What I have realised though more than anything is I do work too hard, and life can be too busy, but by allowing myself that space to feel ‘not ok’ is quite cathartic.
When I feel like my head is blurred around the edges, I allow myself the relaxing time I deserve and watch a bit of TV, read, do some mindfulness, or just sit quietly and relish the silence, even if it’s just for half an hour.
I know it’s not always easy, but for me, and hopefully for you, setting aside that little bit of time, or having an early night is a step in the right direction.
I think it’s all about what works for each of us, so whatever your ‘go to’ might be, why not give it a go one step at a time.

About the Author
My name is Linda Thompson, I am a qualified and insured counsellor working in Gillingham and Medway, Kent. I support individuals and couples with all kinds of issues, from bereavement to anxiety, relationship difficulties, trauma, abuse and coping with the general stressors of life. Please get in touch to book a session with me. Join me on Facebook.